Losing a permanent tooth is a highly urgent dental emergency. You need to see your dentist as quickly as possible – ideally in less than 30 minutes – if you want to have any chance of saving the natural tooth. In the meantime, it’s important to make sure that you have a clear idea of what to do in order to protect the tooth until reimplantation can be attempted. Here’s a quick look at 5 important steps to follow in the event that a tooth is knocked out.
1. Find the Tooth and Pick It Up by the Crown
Obviously, a tooth can only be saved if you still have it. As such, if you have lost a tooth, you need to find it right away. Once you do, pick it up gently. Remember to avoid touching the root; doing so could damage the connective tissue that’s needed for a successful reimplantation. Instead, pick the tooth up by the crown, which is the part that you use to chew your food.
2. Check the Tooth for Debris and Rinse It Off
Take a close look at your tooth. Is there any dirt or debris on it? If there is, it needs to be rinsed off right away. Run the tooth under some tap water to clean it. You still need to avoid damaging the root, so avoid scrubbing the tooth or wrapping it in a cloth. Also, make sure the tooth isn’t exposed to soap or any chemicals that would typically be used for cleaning.
3. Try to Put the Tooth Back in Its Socket
The best place to keep a knocked-out tooth is in the socket that it came out of. Once the tooth is clean, you can try and reinsert it into the space where it used to be. The tooth will need a little help to stay in place; try biting down on a piece of gauze.
4. Help the Tooth Stay Moist
For the tooth to stay viable, it needs to be kept moist at all times. If it won’t go back in its socket, the next best thing to do is keep it in your mouth in the space between the gums and the cheek. Of course, this means you will have to be mindful not to swallow the tooth by accident. Alternatively, you can keep the tooth in a container filled with milk.
5. Seek Professional Care
Once you have done everything you can to protect and preserve your tooth, you should call your dentist to schedule an emergency appointment. The sooner you can get to the dental office, the better. Don’t forget to bring the tooth with you so that it can be saved!
About the Author
Dr. Dan Greenwood has been running Greenwood Dental in Sagamore Hills since 1998. He holds membership with the Cleveland Dental Society, the Ohio Dental Association, and the American Dental Association. He provides emergency care for knocked-out teeth and other urgent oral health problems. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Greenwood, visit his website or call (330) 467-2522.