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Greenwood Dental Blog

Bitter Taste in Your Mouth? Here’s How to Fix It

November 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 4:39 pm
woman with a bitter taste in her mouth

There it is again. You’ve finished your lunch and gotten back to work when you notice the bitter taste in your mouth. Every once in a while, this symptom isn’t worrisome, but it’s been happening more frequently lately. You’re not sure what’s causing it or what to do about it. Keep reading to learn about the possible sources of bitter taste and how you can get a better tasting mouth.


An Inside Look at How Your Dentist Color-Matches Dental Crowns

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 2:26 pm
Woman with dental crown smiling on couch

Thanks to modern technology, tooth decay and damage don’t need to be addressed with noticeable metal restorations. Instead, you can rebuild the look and function of your smile with lifelike dental crowns! Since there is a wide spectrum of colors to choose from, you may naturally be wondering how your dentist will find the perfect shade. For an inside look into this process, keep reading!


Should You Visit an Emergency Dentist for Facial Swelling?

August 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 3:09 pm
closeup of woman with facial swelling

After waking up one morning, you head to the bathroom to start your daily oral hygiene routine. You take a look in the mirror and quickly realize your face is swollen. While your first instinct may be to panic, you should do your best to remain calm. Rest assured – a professional can examine you, diagnose your needs, and provide fast relief. Below, you’ll learn when to see an emergency dentist for facial swelling, what to expect during your appointment, and why you should visit a dentist instead of going to the emergency room.


3 Reasons Early Detection of Oral Health Issues Is Important

April 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 4:18 pm
dentist smiling for early detection of oral health issues

Have you ever wondered why you need to visit the dentist at least every six months? Do you really need to have a checkup this frequently? Unfortunately, oral health issues develop quickly, and a regular checkup leads to catching them early on. But why are preventive care and early detection so important? Here are three reasons why you want to find oral health problems as soon as possible.


What to Do About Loose Dental Implants

December 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 12:22 am
Female patient concerned about loose dental implant

When you receive a dental implant, you can normally expect it to stay in your mouth for a very long time. Implant placement has an extremely high success rate of 95 percent, and the average dental implant has a lifespan of 15 years or more. Typically, dental implants last longer than tooth-supported bridges, making implants the preferred option to replace missing teeth. Unfortunately, dental implants can fail. Bleeding when brushing or flossing may be an indication of a problem with your dental implant. This may be a sign the gingival tissues around the implant are inflamed or you may have some bone loss around your implant. If this situation is not addressed, bone loss could progress to the point where the implant itself is no longer supported by the bone and becomes loose. What can cause loose dental implants, and what can be done to save your teeth?


What Causes White Spots On Teeth & How Can I Fix Them?

November 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 7:53 pm
Shocked woman covering her white spots on teeth in Sagamore Hills

Everyone wants beautiful white teeth, but random white spots on the enamel are a different matter entirely! Uneven patches of coloration on your pearly whites can make you feel self-conscious about showing off your otherwise dazzling smile. These white spots can be caused by several different things, including decalcification and orthodontics. Fortunately, regardless of why they’ve appeared, they can be easily treated with modern cosmetic dental treatments! Read on to learn more about white spots on teeth in Sagamore Hills and what you can do about them.


5 Things NOT To Do After Dental Implant Surgery?

September 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 11:42 pm
dentist pointing to model with dental implants in Sagamore Hills

Unlike any other tooth replacement option, dental implants rebuild missing teeth both above and below the gumline. As you may imagine, this requires a slightly more involved process that includes minor oral surgery. Once your dental implants are in place, it’s important that you follow the right steps to keep your new smile safe as it heals. Here are five things you should avoid doing to ensure your recovery period goes as quickly and smoothly as possible after getting dental implants in Sagamore Hills.


Am I a Qualified Candidate for Dental Implants?

August 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 8:04 pm
an older woman seated in the dentist’s chair and holding an apple while smiling

Missing teeth can cause problems with your oral and overall health as well as your aesthetics. When your smile is incomplete, you might be less likely to pursue opportunities, attend social gatherings, or feel hopeless when it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene. Fortunately, there is a solution that makes it possible to not only see a fully functional smile once again but also assist in boosting your confidence. However, it does require that your dentist examine your oral and facial structures to determine if you’re eligible for treatment. If you’re interested in learning if qualify as a dental implant candidate, read on to find out what characteristics your dentist will be looking for during your initial consultation.


5 Books to Help Your Child Feel Less Anxious About Going to the Dentist

December 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 12:58 pm
Parent and child reading book together in library

Brushing and flossing are an important part of caring for your favorite smile, but your little one’s oral hygiene routine isn’t complete without biannual checkups and cleanings with their dentist. Often, these visits bring about a bit of nerves. After all, it’s an unfamiliar place and they aren’t sure what to expect! Don’t worry – there are lots of kid-friendly stories about the dentist that can help normalize their feelings and genuinely get them excited for their appointment! Here are five from a children’s dentist.


4 Things Your Dentist Wants You To Know For Better Oral Health

May 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dangreenwooddental @ 11:38 am
Woman with brown hair brush her teeth

When it comes to your oral health, the more you know and understand, the better equipped you are to maintain your teeth and gums. And having the right information can not only help you achieve a healthy, attractive smile but also reduce the amount of dental work you need in the long-term. Keep reading for 4 valuable pieces of information your dentist in Macedonia wants you to have to enjoy great oral health for life.

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